
Designing an online training platform

Qualicape specializes in quality, audit, diagnosis, risk management in the health and medico-social sector.

Qualicape is an innovative company in its field and wants to use the latest tools and methods to offer a most suitable service.


The Socio medical centers need support and guidance to be in compliance with the French NHS referential, but the directors are busy and their constantly evolving schedule complicates the organisation of an onsite training.
Logistical, geographical and unexpected situations are also significants obstacles.

The Goals

Create a customised and flexible digital solution for Socio-medical centers to remain in compliance with the French NHS referential.

My Role

  • UX Research/Interviews
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Usability Testing
  • Design Iterations

Understanding of the problem

Qualicape wants to be an innovative company, and is using tools such as Lego Serious Play to help solve problems.
One of the services Qualicape offers is the support and guidance to be in compliance with the french NHS referential. there are 157 criterias to follow.
At the moment, Qualicape is organising those training sessions onsite. While providing support and guidance is very valuable onsite, there are a couple of issues that were noticed :

Directors are very busy and don’t have much time : they can’t be available the whole day as they have unexpected meetings, situations to solve and dont spend much time in their office.

Cancellation of the training : Some unexpected issues can delay or cancel the onsite session : Covid period was an eye opening for the founder of qualicape as during that time, it was impossible to organise onsite guidance support. Other events such as weather condition, or social movements such as strikes can also cancel the event.

Hard to digest the 152 criterias with only 2 days training. They can’t be familiar with the referential and ask all the questions during that training.

The criterias are often updated and they need regular training.

High cost of onsite training and geographical reach limitations. The onsite guidance limits the intervention to the region despite the high demand. Based in normandy, traveling to Marseille for example significantly increases the budget for the service, which can sometimes be an issue.

Summary of the User Research

After exchanging with the stackholders, and interviewing clients from Qualicape, I used methods like Empathy Map, Personas, User Stories, Journey Map and Problem Statement, to gather, synthesize and define the major pain points.

Pain Points

User Constraints

- Directors are often in meetings, or away for their job.
- On-site training is time consuming
- Costly in person sessions
- Lack of flexibility : limited scheduling flexibility, no self paced solution
- No option to guide and assist with efficient support
- No quick way to get updated content about the news criterias to follow
- No control over unexpected events (Covid, strikes, meteo condition, etc)

Business Constraints

- Can’t expand business nationwide with only onsite training despite the high demand
- Consultants spend most of the time trying to find a suitable date time or on the road
- Should use innovative and modern solutions as it’s one of their priorities
- Unexpected situations such as Covid, strikes, meteo condition had an important negative impact on business if limited to training onsite

Design Solutions

I set up a brainstorming session based on the major pain points. After discussing the different options, we agreed with the stakeholders that the solution should be available on mobile first, but also desktop and tablets. As directors were always on the move, I focused my designing on mobile. A responsive web app was the best option, allowing the user to switch to any platform depending on the situation to continue learning at any time.

A training solution that is time saving and adapts to the director’s busy schedule

- Available on smartphone to keep learning when moving
- Microlearning : break into 15-30 minutes max per course
- Efficient Search features
- Easy and quick navigation between lessons

- Flexible self paced course, no mandatory scheduling
- Summary per course to remember the essential, a reminder if in a hurry
- Track the advancement and how much left

A learning method that is user friendly and ensure an enjoyable and intuitive experience

- Gamification (quizz, feedback, Certificate of completion, clean visual design)
- Remembers when you last stopped, inform on current course, finished courses
- Estimate learning time per course to inform depending on availability
- Reminder of knowledge gathered so far (you will learn / you have learned)

- Mix of videos and text based courses
- Progress visualization
- Table of contents within each lesson
- Easily switch from the lesson to another

Effective customised training and guidance

- Secured and dedicated space to each user
- Offer support services : phone, chats, emails
- Consultant keeping the content regularly updated
- Webinars live and replays, Q&A

- Ressources useful external links
- Customised questions related to user’s situation.
- Answers reviewed by consultant with feedback

User Homepage

Intuitive search feature

User friendly knowledge validation

Usability Testing

First Usability testing was conducted after creating the low-fidelity prototypes. Test were unmoderated and set up for 3 participants, located in France for a duration of around 15 minutes each. There were valuable insights to consider :

Profile Infos/Logout
I assumed a profile picture with an arrow beside in the top corner will be a good option to include the profile infos and logout options, but i realised users tend to search for those options in the hamburger menu first.

Navigation issue between lessons
Users hesitated before finding the way to switch lessons. I used a link showing up a sidebar with the list of lessons, but the link was not explicit enough.

Confusion scrolling from one question to another in the quizz section :
as there were 4 questions in the quizz section, it represented a long list of informations in the mobile format. Users struggled sometimes to know where they were at.

Improvement suggestions

Profile Infos/Logout

Navigating between lessons

Quizz section


The work I made and presented was well received by users and approved by the the stackholders.

After the first usability testing based on low fidelity prototypes, I took into account the feedback and applied changes before conducting a second usability testing with high fidelity prototype. Results showed big improvements in the user experience regarding the account profile section, switching lessons and the quizz section : All tasks were completed by the users, much faster that in the previous test. Users appreciated how easy it is to navigate through the web app and access the informations they needed.

I learned how communication and frequent exchanges with owners and team involved is important, that keeps everyone informed with the latest advancements of the project, to make sure we all are on the same page.

Next step is the development part, discuss the security parameters, and the condition of access of the app for the directors of medico social structures.

There are some functionalities that we kept for future versions of the app, such as :
- a dashboard showing the knowledge gathered, with graphics showing the level reached, and how far they are from the next level
- a general quick quizz (not only per lesson) with random questions, they can access to practice their knowledge on the 157 criterias.
- options to book mentors,
- video transcription,
- including different levels (beginner, mid level, advanced),
- integrating AI and chatbot for quick help.